Lynne Connor always felt lost.
Maybe her compass was thrown out of whack when a big metal plane flew from South Korea to the Philly airport and gave birth to her into the waiting arms of her strong, independent, single by choice, white Irish mother. She grew up in the colorblind suburbs of New Jersey and tried to find home and her identity in Asheville, North Carolina, New York City and the San Francisco bay area. She gained her writer self esteem by earning an M.F.A. in Creative Non-Fiction from Mills College. And then helped other writers build their self esteem through Lost Lit. She eventually found home in Brooklyn, NY with her husband, Grumpy Bert, furry son Remy-the-Pug and two daughters Emmy and Rainey. With her newest identity as Mother, and the conflicts that come with it, Lynne understands that being lost and found is a never ending cycle called life.